Ember Jesmer
As you can tell I like Rottweilers. The one on the left is my 10 yr old Temperance. She's my once in a lifetime dog and a midget.
I've had Rottweilers for 24 years. I know you guys are cat people and we have cats as well. Two of them actually. My sister has 5. Just this breed holds a special place in my heart. We got our first Halloween of 95 and it was 19 days after my dad passed away. She helped me cope. I was 7. Yeah that ages me, but I'm okay now.
I love to read and playing video games. I like reptiles as well so if any of you encounter a snake you need removed let me know. I also watch a lot of Will Nace and Justin Igualada. They are reptile/animal guys in south Florida.
I do a lot of stuff with the dogs. My female we trained in Schutzhund, but never titled. My boy I'm looking at scent and herding. They are both very loving dogs. The pup needs more impulse control before interacting off lead with small children. He doesn't realize he's a behemoth. He also loves to give hugs.
I'm an anti social person who appreciates the company of animals so yeah sorry for all the animal stuff. I also tend to switch topics back and forth as you can tell.