Debs Badger
Born in Brooklyn and raised in northern New Jersey. I currently live outside of Philadelphia, PA (as of 2022) and I am the Process Safety Engineer for a chemical manufacturing company. I’m a geek with a chemical engineering degree. Essentially, my job is to ensure our risks are effectively managed so no one accidentally blows the place or themselves up. Since my job can be pretty heavy at times, I utilize music as a salve for my soul and the means for maintaining my sanity. Live music especially so.
I have been a VoicePlay fan since they first graced my TV screen on December 9, 2013…Episode 1 of The Sing Off, Season 4. I’ve been into a cappella music since the 1980s when a friend introduced me to The Bobs, so it’s no surprise that The Sing Off as a TV show was a no-brainer watch for me!
Some of my favorite music genres have always been those in the 50s…rockabilly…doo-wop…swing…country…those sorts of things. The 80s was when I really came into my own with finding music I liked (as opposed to what my Dad listened to, which in hindsight was all great as well). So that got me listening to neo-rockabilly, rock, pop, metal (heavy, glam, hair, etc.), new wave, prog rock, etc. etc. One of my first musical ‘crushes’ was for the rockabilly group Stray Cats, which is why I was christened with my WildCat nickname. Needless to say, it’s a pretty safe bet to say that I am a music nut, as I can usually find something that appeals to my ear in most any genre. I just love music, period. And I love live shows something fierce.
Two favorite quotes: “I can live without a lot of things. Music isn’t one of them.” and “Where words fail, music speaks.”
I’m a geek on many levels. Besides that chemical engineering degree, I was previously an avid comic collector. Have always been a major horror movie fan, and I am still waiting for Hollywood to make a movie that scares me *grin*. Other extracurricular activities include reading (I enjoy fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and biographies), cooking, dancing (East coast swing, latin, and ballroom), cross-stitch, and gardening.