Sandra Anderson
Hmm...what would be interesting to know? I'm married for 15 years with one daughter who is seven. We live in Gainesville, Texas (about 90 minutes north of Dallas and 5 miles from the Texas/Oklahoma border). Both of us are Pit Bosses for Table Games (Blackjack, Craps, etc) for the local casino in Oklahoma. I love my job. Essentially, I get to walk around, and socialize (read insult) people all day. We've both worked for the Nation (Indian gaming casino) for about 8 1/2 years now after starting out as Blackjack dealers.
Both of us are avid gamers. In fact, he and I met in a MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) about 23 years ago, back when it was absolutely unheard of. We have played various games over the years, console and PC. Right now I got back into The Sims 4, which is just a mindless past time. I like building houses in game. It gives me something to do. We don't really have time for MMO's anymore since they can't be paused. With a child in the house, one can't be stuck unable to walk away at a moment's notice.
We have also hosted a D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) game every week for 8 years now. I paint miniatures and build terrain for our games. He also paints. Both of us are dungeon masters and switch off often. I've probably lost ya'll, and ya'll have no idea what I'm talking about. Just know we are geeks.
My daughter is in first grade. She's a little princess. She wanted to let you know that "The Oogie Boogie Song" is her favorite and she says "Hi!" She also says, "My puppy's name is Sasha, and she likes you too."
We also do Scarborough every year (well, except this year I suppose). That's a Renaissance Faire. If you've never been to one, basically it's a fair grounds where everything is old world (read medieval times essentially). A person walks around, sees shows, and shops vendors. Dressing up is optional. I got my husband into a kilt last year, so that was fun. (Note on reread - I just remembered most of ya'll worked at Disney World, so you have a basic idea. This is, of course, much smaller, and there are less cartoon characters.)
Let's see. General interests...anything fantasy. Dragons, fairies, magic, etc, also vampires (love vampires). I also like some Sci-Fi. Doctor Who is my favorite Sci-Fi, but Star Trek and Star Wars are close seconds (yes both). I love Disney movies and watch them with my daughter often. I read a lot. The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher is my favorite, of which I know you've never heard.
So...I play D&D and other tabletop games. I go to RenFaires dressed in costume. I paint miniatures and build terrain for D&D games. I'm an avid gamer, and I read a lot. Oh and my favorite color is purple.